Friday, August 9, 2013


This is my first report of my use of Jatropha curcas - (Tag. tuba-tuba, tubang bakod; Vis. kasla; Eng. physic nut) against muscle spasm.

As a Botanist, I am always fascinated with the power of plants to heal. My love affair with Jatropha started only two days after a long road trip and bonding with my daughter. When we reached home, I suddenly felt a stabbing pain on my mid- and lower back. The pain was excruciating that it made me difficult to walk and move. I was almost immobile! My mobility was drastically hampered and the pains were unbearable. Mefenamic acid, eperisone, celecoxcib, tramadol seemed to do little. I started drinking the prescribed medicines morning and lunch time that day. By evening, the severe pain was still there.  But, after our household helper applied warmed Jatropha bark on my whole back and legs - that did magic! After about 5 minutes, I started to fart a lot (LOL), and after 20 minutes, I felt so sleepy and fell sound asleep like a baby. When I woke up, I exclaimed, “Did anything happen to me?”  The pain was almost gone! I stopped drinking my medication afterwards. Now, I’m addicted to the Jatropha rub/massage. What a wonderful, feeling indeed! By the way, the bark juice doesn't leave any unwanted smell and it doesn't stain my clothes and bed sheets, either. I noticed that it has a moisturizing effect, too.

The the procedure in preparing the bark is as follows (please refer to the numbered figures above):  1-2. Scrape the outermost skin (epidermis) of a Jatropha cuttings. The skin peels look brownish. 3-4. Then, start shaving the bark until you reach the hard and whitish part. 5. Transfer the shaved bark in banana leaf. 6. Wrap and heat over the flame. 6. Apply the heated bark shavings on painful areas such as back and legs. The amount of bark depends on your need. I usually use 2 cuttings (i.e.3-4 nodes with a 0.5" diameter). 

Don't have banana leaves? No problem. Alternatively, you may use a piece of cheese cloth to wrap the bark shavings then heat in a microwave oven. You need not remove the heated bark from the cheese cloth. Apply directly in sore/painful areas in a gentle rubbing or massaging motion. Be sure that you squeeze it from time to time so that the phoem (bark) sap will come out. That sap contains the medicinal & curative properties of Jatropha. Please note that this procedure will just alleviate muscular and rheumatic pains. If you have arthritis, applying bark poultice or rub as above on the affected areas will also help lessen arthritic pains. However, this procedure will not lower the the uric acid that causes the arthritis!  

Some articles have reported that the latex of Jatropha contains alkaloids with anti-cancer properties. In many parts of our country, the leaves, instead of barks, are used to cure rheumatic and muscular pains. Oil (like coconut oil) is usually applied on the heated leaves, too. The leaves actually contain certain compounds such as apigenin, vitexin and isovitexin.  Some of the known uses of this plant:: against snake bites, oil is used in soap making, young stem as substitute for toothbrush to prevent gum diseases, purgative. There are lots of potential for this plant that need to be explored...what is wanting, though, is the science behind its folkloric uses.